Solved – What test to be used for comparing pre and post test results with categorical data

categorical datachange-scoresprobabilitystatistical significance

In the past month(s) I had to get familiar with statistics in order to validate my results although my background is computer science/programming. I currently examine whether I can enhance user's skills with a tutorial. So I prepared a pre and a post test and measured various skills to compare them. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test helped me to determine significance since my data was not normally distributed.

Now here is my current problem: I examine whether my subjects used a tactic within a (fact-finding search) task and whether the post results differ significantly from the pre test results. For each user, my data keeps track whether he applied (used) the tactic or not (not used).

I want to conclude whether the intervention had a significant impact on my subjects' search skills, i.e., whether more users applied the (search) tactic in the post test.

My data looks as follows:

N = 58 users
0 = no
1 = yes

user pre  post
1    1    1
2    1    1
3    0    1
4    0    1
5    0    1
6    0    1
7    0    1
8    0    1
9    1    1
10   0    1
11   0    1
12   1    1
13   1    1
14   0    1
15   0    1
16   0    0
17   1    1
18   1    0
19   1    1
20   0    1
21   1    1
22   0    1
23   1    0
24   0    1
25   0    0
26   1    0
27   1    1
28   0    0
29   1    1
30   1    1
31   0    0
32   0    1
33   1    0
34   0    0
35   1    1
36   0    1
37   0    1
38   0    1
39   0    1
40   1    1
41   1    1
42   1    1
43   0    1
44   1    0
45   0    1
46   1    1
47   1    1
48   1    1
49   0    1
50   1    1
51   0    1
52   1    1
53   0    1
54   0    1
55   0    1
56   1    1
57   0    0
58   1    1


                 |Not used | Used|
Pre   |Not used  |6        |25   |
      |Used      |5        |22   |


I read a lot about significance tests, Chi-square, McNemar, Fisher’s exact test, … but I am still not sure which test is appropriate or whether I can determine significance at all for that kind of data.

Best Answer

Go for a McNemar test it may give you the accuare results in your case. also you can compare the results from wilcoxon signed rank test i.e dependent test with McNemar test then you can conclude your result. above link will tell you a path.

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