Solved – What standard deviation is used for calculating standard error

standard deviationstandard error

I am studying about calculation of standard error. It's formula is :

standard error = standard deviation of population / square root of n

If we do not know the standard deviation of population, we use standard deviation of sample.
But we draw multiple samples, so we can calculate multiple standard deviation from those samples. Which one of it should be used in standard error formula ?

I checked couple of youtube videos. They just tell us to use standard deviation of sample but none of them tell which sample ? Can anyone clear my doubt about this ?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Using sample standard deviation provides an estimate for the standard error of a sampling distribution. As you note, different samples will most likely have different sample standard deviations, leading to different standard error estimates. None of these are the standard error since none of them come from the true population standard deviation.

The bigger question is, what are you intending to do with these multiple samples? That will direct if there is more for you to do and what.

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