Solved – what means to be outside unit circle

definitiongeometrytime seriesunit root

I am trying to study time series without a great math background and I came across the next problem:

When checking for stationarity I check the roots, and if they are not on the unit circle, then it confirms the ts is stationary.

My question might be pretty basic: when I get the roots, I am getting scalars, whereas in my mind to be inside/outside unit circle I need coordinates… How do I know if a scalar is inside/outside the unit circle?

And my last question is, I always read "roots are not on the unit circle".

"on" means "inside", right? and if so… Is it the same as saying "roots are outside the unit circle"?

Best Answer

The roots in this case are roots of a polynomial, and they can be (and often are) complex numbers. That means they have coordinates, in this case called the real part and the imaginary part. As an example, the polynomial $z^2+1$ has roots, that are solutions of the equation $z^2+1=0$, equal to $z_{1,2}= \pm \sqrt{-1}=\pm i$ where $i=\sqrt{-1}$ is the imaginary unit.

In this example, the real and imaginary parts are $$\begin{alignat}{4} \Re i &=&0 &,& \quad \Im i &=& 1 \quad \text{and}\\ \Re{-i}&=&0 &,& \quad \Im{-i} &=&-1 \end{alignat} $$ and with pairs (or coordinate) representation $i=(0,1), -i=(0,-1)$ and now you can show these two roots are on the unit circle.

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