Solved – what makes neural networks a nonlinear classification model

neural networksnonlinearnonlinear regression

I'm trying to understand the mathematical meaning of non-linear classification models:

I've just read an article talking about neural nets being a non-linear classification model.

But I just realize that:

enter image description here

The first layer:



The subsequent layer


Can be simplified to

$=b′+(x_1∗w_{x1h1}+x_2∗w_{x1h2})∗w_{h1y}+(x_1∗w_{x2h1}+x_2∗w_{x2h2})∗w_{h2y} $

$=b′+x_1(w_{h1y}∗w_{x1h1}+w_{x2h1}∗w_{h2y})+x_2(w_{h1y}∗w_{x1h1}+w_{x2h2}∗w_{h2y}) $

An two layer neural network Is just a simple linear regression


This can be shown to any number of layers, since linear combination of any number of weights is again linear.

What really makes an neural net a non linear classification model?
How the activation function will impact the non linearity of the model?
Can you explain me?

Best Answer

I think you forget the activation function in nodes in neural network, which is non-linear and will make the whole model non-linear.

In your formula is not totally correct, where,

$$ h_1 \neq w_1x_1+w_2x_2 $$


$$ h_1 = \text{sigmoid}(w_1x_1+w_2x_2) $$

where sigmoid function like this, $\text{sigmoid}(x)=\frac 1 {1+e^{-x}}$

enter image description here

Let's use a numerical example to explain the impact of the sigmoid function, suppose you have $w_1x_1+w_2x_2=4$ then $\text{sigmoid}(4)=0.99$. On the other hand, suppose you have $w_1x_1+w_2x_2=4000$, $\text{sigmoid}(4000)=1$ and it is almost as same as $\text{sigmoid}(4)$, which is non-linear.

In addition, I think the slide 14 in this tutorial can show where you did wrong exactly. For $H_1$ please not the otuput is not -7.65, but $\text{sigmoid}(-7.65)$

enter image description here

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