Solved – what is the difference between area under roc and weighted area under roc

classificationmachine learningrocunbalanced-classes

Thanks in advance for the help.

I have an unbalanced dataset that I am using for a binary classification problem. The classes are unbalanced. I believe that in such a case that weighted area under roc (receiver operating curve) is the proper way to analyze my results. However, I don't full understand the difference between area under roc and weighted area under roc.

Best Answer

One of the advantages to ROC curves is that they are agnostic to class skew. ROC curves remain the same whether your data is balanced or not, bar some finite-sample effects when you have very few examples of one class.

As such, weighted ROC curves have nothing to do with class balance. Instead, weighted ROC curves are used when you're interested in performance in a certain region of ROC space (e.g. high recall) and was proposed as an improvement over partial AUC (which does exactly this but has some issues). You can read more about it in Weighted Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve and Its Application to Gene Selection by Li and Fine.