Mathematical Terminology – Meaning of Theta in Equations


I am a newbie to statistics and found this.

In statistics, θ, the lowercase Greek letter 'theta', is the usual
name for a (vector of) parameter(s) of some general probability
distribution. A common problem is to find the value(s) of theta.
Notice that there isn't any meaning in naming a parameter this way. We
might as well call it anything else. In fact, a lot of distributions
have parameters which are usually given other names. For example, it
is common use to name the mean and deviation of the normal
distribution μ (read: 'mu') and deviation σ ('sigma'), respectively.

But I still don't know what that means in plain English?

Best Answer

It is not a convention, but quite often $\theta$ stands for the set of parameters of a distribution.

That was it for plain English, let's show examples instead.

Example 1. You want to study the throw of an old fashioned thumbtack (the ones with a big circular bottom). You assume that the probability that it falls point down is an unknown value that you call $\theta$. You could call a random variable $X$ and say that $X=1$ when the thumbtack falls point down and $X=0$ when it falls point up. You would write the model

$$P(X = 1) = \theta \\ P(X = 0) = 1-\theta,$$

and you would be interested in estimating $\theta$ (here, the proability that the thumbtack falls point down).

Example 2. You want to study the disintegration of a radioactive atom. Based on the literature, you know that the amount of radioactivity decreases exponentially, so you decide to model the time to disintegration with an exponential distribution. If $t$ is the time to disintegration, the model is

$$f(t) = \theta e^{-\theta t}.$$

Here $f(t)$ is a probability density, which means that the probability that the atom disintegrates in the time interval $(t, t+dt)$ is $f(t)dt$. Again, you will be interested in estimating $\theta$ (here, the disintegration rate).

Example 3. You want to study the precision of a weighing instrument. Based on the literature, you know that the measurement are Gaussian so you decide to model the weighing of a standard 1 kg object as

$$f(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \exp \left\{ -\left( \frac{x-\mu}{2\sigma} \right)^2\right\}.$$

Here $x$ is the measure given by the scale, $f(x)$ is the density of probability, and the parameters are $\mu$ and $\sigma$, so $\theta = (\mu, \sigma)$. The paramter $\mu$ is the target weight (the scale is biased if $\mu \neq 1$), and $\sigma$ is the standard deviation of the measure every time you weigh the object. Again, you will be interested in estimating $\theta$ (here, the bias and the imprecision of the scale).

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