Solved – What does the abbreviation “p.e.” mean

abbreviationcircular statisticsterminology

I came across a paper that uses the abbreviation "p.e.":

Khatri and Mardia, The Von Mises-Fisher Matrix Distribution in Orientation Statistics. 1976.

It's in Section 7 on page 105. I'm including a short excerpt:

Using the density function of $K^{\frac{1}{2}}XX'K^{\frac{1}{2}} = S$ given in Khatri (1975a), we find that the p.e. $X$ given $XX'=I_n$ is

What does the abbreviation "p.e." mean in this sentence?

Best Answer

It means probability element.

This paragraph is taken from the following book chapter: Order Statistics

If $X$ is such that the probability $X\leq x$ is $F(x)$, or briefly if $$ Pr(X\leq x)=F(x), $$

then we say that $X$ is a random variable which has the cdf $F(x)$. If $F(x)$ has a continuous derivative $f(x)$, then $f(x)dx$ is called the probability element of $X$, and $f(x)$ the probability density function (pdf) of $X$.

I think it would have something to do with measure theory as well. Going over a Probability Theory course might help too.