Solved – What does phi mean in arima simulation

arimaautoregressiveparameterizationsimulationtime series

I'm learning time series and following this tutorial

When it comes to simulation, there are 2 types AR:

AR1: x1 = arima.sim(list(order=c(1,0,0), ar=.9), n=100)

AR2: x = arima.sim(list(order=c(2,0,0), ar=c(1,-.9)), n=100)

The value in ar is called phi. But I don't know what is it? In AR2, there are 2 values in ar, do you know why?

Best Answer

The AR(1) model is usually written as:

$$Y_{t}=c+\phi Y_{{t-1}}+\varepsilon_{t}\,,$$

or in mean-corrected form as

$$Y_{t}-\mu=\phi (Y_{{t-1}}-\mu)+\varepsilon_{t}\,.$$

(For example, see Wikipedia's Autoregressive Model - Example: an AR(1) process. )

That symbol $\phi$ is "phi", and this is where the "phi" comes from in that list.

Similarly the AR(2) model is usually written as:

$$Y_{t}=c+\phi_1 Y_{{t-1}}+\phi_2 Y_{{t-2}}+\varepsilon_{t}\,,$$


$$Y_{t}-\mu=\phi_1 (Y_{{t-1}}-\mu)+\phi_2 (Y_{{t-2}}-\mu)+\varepsilon_{t}\,.$$

The two phi parameters there are why there are two values in ar.

(For example see Wikipedia's Autoregressive model - Definition.)

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