Solved – What does “orthogonalize” mean

linear algebrapartial least squaresterminology

I have read in The Elements of Statistical Learning book and particularly in the Partial Least Squares (PLS) section:

Orthogonalize each $x_j^{(m−1)}$ with respect to $z_m$.

I would like to know what "orthogonalize" means in this statement or general.

1- what orthogonal means?
2- how to orthogonalise?

Best Answer

I believe the quote refers to this algorithm, where the relevant line reads:

$x_j^m=x_j^{m-1}-\frac{\langle z_m,x_j^{m-1}\rangle}{\langle z_m,z_m\rangle}z_m$

Here the authors are using the angle-brackets to denote an inner product, which is essentially the standard vector dot product from Physics 101.

The second term is the orthogonal projection of $x_j^{m-1}$ onto $z_m$. By subtracting this from $x_j^{m-1}$, the result $x_j^m$ is made orthogonal to $z_m$.

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