Solved – What does “curvilinear” mean

definitionlinear modelnonlinear regressionterminology

As far as I can tell, curvilinear is defined vaguely but means the same as nonlinear. Is that correct? Or does curvilinear have a distinct definition?

Best Answer

"Nonlinear" has many meanings, only some of which are (directly) about curves. I would say that I have encountered "curvilinear" to mean smooth curves. So a parabola or a logarithmic curve are "curvilinear," but a bent line (e.g. from a simple threshold or saturation model, "broken stick" model, etc.) are not.

Caveat emptor: word use will vary by context. For example straight lines are themselves a kind of "curve" in some contexts. As always, if there is a specific usage of the word "curvilinear" that you are wondering about, a quote and citation or two would be helpful.

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