Solved – What are the various basic kernels available

gaussian processkernel trick

I am currently following the book Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning by C.E. Rasmussen and C.K.I. Williams and I have come across various kernels in their Chapter 4

I have also gone through the kernel cookbook which is a nice description of various basic kernels available and how we can create new kernels from adding, multiplying, and convoluting these basic kernels.

Since we know that regression in a Gaussian process hinges on the choice of kernels, I want to ask if there are basic kernels other than the following and what kind of functions do they draw?

  1. Constant : $\sigma _{o}^{2}$

  2. Linear kernel : $k_{\textrm{Lin}}(x, x') = (x – c)(x' – c)$

  3. Squared exponential kernel : $k_{\textrm{SE}}(x, x') = \sigma^2\exp\left(-\frac{(x – x')^2}{2\ell^2}\right)$ (subset of 7)

  4. Matern : $\frac{1}{{2}^{\nu -1}\Gamma (\nu )}{\left( \frac{\sqrt{2\nu }}{l}r\right)}^{\nu }{K}_{\nu }\left( \frac{\sqrt{2\nu }}{l}r\right)$

  5. Rational quadratic kernel : $k_{\textrm{RQ}}(x, x') = \sigma^2 \left( 1 + \frac{(x – x')^2}{2 \alpha \ell^2} \right)^{-\alpha}$ (subset of 4)

  6. Exponential : $\exp\left( – \frac{r}{l}\right)$ (subset of 7)

  7. $\gamma $ – Exponential : $\exp\left( -{\left(\frac{r}{l}\right)}^{\gamma }\right) $

  8. Periodic kernel : $k_{\textrm{Per}}(x, x') = \sigma^2\exp\left(-\frac{2\sin^2(\pi|x – x'|/p)}{\ell^2}\right)$

  9. Neural networks

Best Answer

Neural networks are not a kernel, they are a learning algorithm.

Plenty of kernel functions exist, such as:

  • sigmoid, popular in the early days of kernel methods due to their influence in neural networks; not really used heavily now
  • Tanimoto/Jaccard/diffusion, popular for binary features
  • tree/graph kernels, popular in natural language processing
  • histogram kernel, popular in image processing -- essentially it's a very fast approximation to the RBF kernel

The right kernel depends very much on the nature of the data. Often the best kernel is a custom-made one, particularly in bioinformatics. The Gaussian/RBF and linear kernels are by far the most popular ones, followed by the polynomial one.

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