Lasso Regression – Disadvantages of Using Lasso for Variable Selection in Regression

feature selectionlassoregression

From what I know, using lasso for variable selection handles the problem of correlated inputs. Also, since it is equivalent to Least Angle Regression, it is not slow computationally. However, many people (for example people I know doing bio-statistics) still seem to favour stepwise or stagewise variable selection. Are there any practical disadvantages of using the lasso that makes it unfavourable?

Best Answer

There is NO reason to do stepwise selection. It's just wrong.

LASSO/LAR are the best automatic methods. But they are automatic methods. They let the analyst not think.

In many analyses, some variables should be in the model REGARDLESS of any measure of significance. Sometimes they are necessary control variables. Other times, finding a small effect can be substantively important.