Solved – Weighting results in a Likert survey

likertsurveyweighted mean

I have very little (i.e. high school level) stats training, so forgive me if anything in here doesn't make sense.

A team at my work has performed a training exercise for about 250 employees and has conducted a survey afterwards about how the training has affected their day-to-day work. The survey comprises about 10 statements about the training, each with 6 possible responses (Strongly Disagree", Disagree, Slightly Disagree, Slightly Agree, Agree, and Strongly Agree).

I have been tasked with figuring out how effective different aspects of the training were, based on the survey results.

The initial approach suggested was to count the percentage of Agree or Strongly Agree answers for each question and use this as an effectiveness measure.

However, I've been thinking that if somebody "strongly" agrees or disagrees with a given statement, that their opinion should be weighted more heavily (since they have formed a definite opinion on the subject), and if somebody only "slightly" agrees or disagrees, their opinion should not be as heavily weighted (since they are pretty neutral about the subject).

So, for instance, each "slightly" answer should be counted as 0.5 of a response and each "strongly" answer should be counted as 1.5 responses.

Is there any precedence for this sort of analysis, or am I just overcomplicating things?

Best Answer

The trouble with weighting is that your results will be arbitrary. For example, if you organize your responses on a 1-6 scale (1 being strongly disagree and 6 being strongly agree), then you're saying that the "distance" between a 1 and a 2 is the same as the "distance" between a 2 and a 3. (Here I use "distance" to indicate difference or the gap between what one number represents and another number represents.)

What I would suggest is, depending on your analysis, looking into an ordered model of some sort. The ordering indicates that StD < D < SlD < SlA < A < StA, but doesn't specify how large the distance is between any two options. I prefer an "ordered logit model" and that should suffice for your analysis if you have a large enough sample (which it appears that you do). This will also let you see how other factors affect their response on the survey, if you have that sort of information (i.e. gender, time with the company, department, etc.) available.

In broad strokes, ordered logit is going to be a fancy regression method that works with categorical data that has an order but isn't necessarily equally spaced out. Regression (as you may remember) is a way to measure the association between two variables by saying if one variable changes by $X$ amount, we expect the other variable to change by $Y$ amount. (I know you haven't taken a stats class recently, so hopefully this elucidates some of the ideas. There should be information online about how to conduct this sort of analysis.)

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