Weighted Mean – Weighted Geometric Mean vs Weighted Mean Explained

weighted mean

I have a set of data, each element has a weight.
I need to estimate the mean of this data.
I found that there are two ways:
A weighted geometric mean and a weighted mean.
When should I use each of them and what are the advantages of using each of them?

Best Answer

The geometric mean and the mean whether weighted or unweighted are different parameters of a distribution. So the question of which parameter to estimate depends on which aspect of the distribution you are interested in. For a normal distribution the mean and variance are the natural parameters and it seems that it would make more sense to estimate the population mean.

Now consider a variable Y=exp(X) where X has a normal distribution. Y is said to have a lognormal distribution. Consider the sample geometric mean for a sample of size n, Y$_1$, Y$_2$,...,Y$_n$.

G$_m$ = Π (Y$_i$)$^1$$^/$$^n$ is the sample geometric mean for the geometric mean parameter of the distribution of Y. ln(G$_m$)=Σln(Y$_i$)/n. Since ln(Y)=X the log of the geometric mean is the sample mean for the corresponding normal random variables X$_i$. So for a lognormal distribution the geometric mean may be the natural parameter to estimate since the log of it is the same mean for normal random variables.

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