R Programming – How to Implement Weibull Survival Model in R


If I run a Weibull survival model in R with the code

survreg(Surv(t,delta)~expalatory variables, dist="w")

how do I interpret the output of the model? That is, is the form of the model just $1-\exp(e/\lambda)^k)$ with $\lambda$ the scale and $k$ the shape or does it take a different form?

I have found something which says that the output is of the form $$\exp(-\exp(-\alpha_0-\alpha_1-\ldots)^kx^k),$$ where the $\alpha_i$ are the coefficients of the covariates. If so, the output would give me the following parameters:

$$k=k \quad \mbox{and} \quad \lambda=\frac{1}{\exp(-\alpha_0-\alpha_1\ldots)}.$$

Best Answer

Ok so I'm just going to post an answer here using the R help that DWin described. Using the function rweibull in R gives the usual form of the Weibull distribution, with its cumulative function being:

$$F(x)=1-\exp(-\left ( \frac{x}{b}\right )^a)$$

So we will denote the shape parameter of rweibull by $a$ and the scale parameter of rweibull by $b$.

Now the problem is that the output of survreg gives both shape and scale parameters which are not the same as the shape and scale parameters from rweibull. Let us denote the shape parameter from survreg as $a_s$ and the scale parameter of survreg by $b_s$.

Then, from ?survreg we have that:

survreg's scale = 1/(rweibull shape)

survreg's intercept = log(rweibull scale)

So this gives us that:

$$a=\frac{1}{b_s}\quad \mbox{and} \quad b=\exp(a_s)$$

So if we suppose that we run the function survreg with $n$ covariates, then the output will be:

$\alpha_0,\ldots, \alpha_{n-1}$, the coefficents of the covariates and some scale parameter $k$. The Weibull model given in standard form is then given by:

$$F(x)=1-\exp\left (- \left (\frac{x}{\exp(\alpha_0+\alpha_1+\ldots +\alpha_{n-1})} \right ) ^{\frac{1}{k}}\right )$$