Solved – we care about rapid mixing in MCMC chains


When working with Markov chain Monte Carlo to draw inference, we need a chain that mixes rapidly, i.e. moves throughly the support of the posterior distribution rapidly. But I don't understand why we need this property, because from what I understand, the accepted candiate draws should and will concentrated in the high density part of the posterior distribution. If what I understand is true, then do we still want the chain to move through the support ( which includes the low density part) ?

In addition, if I am using MCMC to do optimization, do I still need to care about rapid mixing and why?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Best Answer

The ideal Monte Carlo algorithm uses independent successive random values. In MCMC, successive values are not independant, which makes the method converge slower than ideal Monte Carlo; however, the faster it mixes, the faster the dependence decays in successive iterations¹, and the faster it converges.

¹ I mean here that the successive values are quickly "almost independent" of the initial state, or rather that given the value $X_n$ at one point, the values $X_{ń+k}$ become quickly "almost independent" of $X_n$ as $k$ grows; so, as qkhhly says in the comments, "the chain don’t keep stuck in a certain region of the state space".

Edit: I think the following example can help

Imagine you want to estimate the mean of the uniform distribution on $\{1, \dots, n\}$ by MCMC. You start with the ordered sequence $(1, \dots, n)$; at each step, you chose $k>2$ elements in the sequence and randomly shuffle them. At each step, the element at position 1 is recorded; this converges to the uniform distribution. The value of $k$ controls the mixing rapidity: when $k=2$, it is slow; when $k=n$, the successive elements are independent and the mixing is fast.

Here is a R function for this MCMC algorithm :

mcmc <- function(n, k = 2, N = 5000)
  x <- 1:n;
  res <- numeric(N)
  for(i in 1:N)
    swap <- sample(1:n, k)
    x[swap] <- sample(x[swap],k);
    res[i] <- x[1];

Let’s apply it for $n = 99$, and plot the successive estimation of the mean $\mu = 50$ along the MCMC iterations:

n <- 99; mu <- sum(1:n)/n;

mcmc(n) -> r1
plot(cumsum(r1)/1:length(r1), type="l", ylim=c(0,n), ylab="mean")

mcmc(n,round(n/2)) -> r2
lines(1:length(r2), cumsum(r2)/1:length(r2), col="blue")

mcmc(n,n) -> r3
lines(1:length(r3), cumsum(r3)/1:length(r3), col="red")

legend("topleft", c("k = 2", paste("k =",round(n/2)), paste("k =",n)), col=c("black","blue","red"), lwd=1)

mcmc convergence

You can see here that for $k=2$ (in black), the convergence is slow; for $k=50$ (in blue), it is faster, but still slower than with $k=99$ (in red).

You can also plot an histogram for the distribution of the estimated mean after a fixed number of iterations, eg 100 iterations:

K <- 5000;
M1 <- numeric(K)
M2 <- numeric(K)
M3 <- numeric(K)
for(i in 1:K)
  M1[i] <- mean(mcmc(n,2,100));
  M2[i] <- mean(mcmc(n,round(n/2),100));
  M3[i] <- mean(mcmc(n,n,100));
hist(M1, xlim=c(0,n), freq=FALSE)
hist(M2, xlim=c(0,n), freq=FALSE)
hist(M3, xlim=c(0,n), freq=FALSE)


You can see that with $k=2$ (M1), the influence of the initial value after 100 iterations only gives you a terrible result. With $k=50$ it seems ok, with still greater standard deviation than with $k=99$. Here are the means and sd:

> mean(M1)
[1] 19.046
> mean(M2)
[1] 49.51611
> mean(M3)
[1] 50.09301
> sd(M2)
[1] 5.013053
> sd(M3)
[1] 2.829185
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