Solved – Violation of assumptions for a one Way ANOVA analysis

anovacategorical dataf-testheteroscedasticityself-study

I am trying to do a one way ANOVA and having some difficulty proceeding it. Among all the assumptions, I am stuck with these two: normality and equal variance. My questions are,

  1. My independent variable has 4 categories. The normality assumption is satisfied for two of the 4 categories. I read that ANOVA is quite
    robust so a small violation of normality is not a big deal. How can I
    decide that the violation is acceptable?

  2. If homogeneity of variances is violated, it is suggested to do a Welch's F test. I assume I can only do that if the normality
    assumption is satisfied. Is that correct?

Looking forward to any suggestions! .

Best Answer

  1. I would suggest that you run a test for normality in each category. Shapiro-Wilks and Kolmogorov–Smirnov are the two main ones and a good rule of thumb is that if you have less than 50 observations do the Shapiro-Wilks, otherwise the Kolmogorov–Smirnov. Kolmogorov–Smirnov is more conservative - it doesn't reject the normality hypothesis as easy as the Shapiro-Wilks.

  2. If normality assumption holds then you run Welch's F test and if everything is fine you can proceed with the ANOVA. If the normality assumption is violated you'll have to do a non parametric test and without any assumptions for the underlying distribution of the data (eg: Kruskal–Wallis)

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