Solved – Variance of the sum of a Poisson-distributed random number of (normally distributed) random variables

mathematical-statisticsmeannormal distributionpoisson distributionvariance

Suppose I have a fruit stand where I sell oranges. Every day I have an average of $\lambda$ people (Poisson distributed) each buying a normally distributed weight quantity of oranges with mean $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$.

What's the mean and variance of the number of pounds of oranges I sell per day?

OK, the mean is trivial: $\lambda \cdot \mu$. But how do I calculate the variance?

Strangely enough I've come up with an answer through trial and error that seems to fit really well with my Monte Carlo simulations, but I can't convince myself that it's actually the correct answer in theory. If someone can point me to the "right" answer, I'll post the one I got empirically for comparison.

Best Answer

This is a compound Poisson distribution

The law of total variance gets you the answer.

Note that this answer doesn't rely on the normality of the $X$'s at all; it applies to any distribution with mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$.

In the following, $N$ is the Poisson r.v., $X$'s are individual components, $Y$ is the sum of components, $Y|N$ is the sum of components given a specific count of terms, $N$:

$$\text {Var}_{Y}(Y)=E_{N}\left[\text {Var}_{{Y|N}}(Y)\right]+\text {Var}_{N}\left[E_{{Y|N}}(Y)\right]$$

Substituting in:

$$=\text {E}_{N}\left[N\text {Var}_{X}(X)\right]+\text {Var}_{N}\left[N\text {E}_{X}(X)\right]\,$$

$$=\text {E}_{N}\left[N\sigma^2\right]+\text {Var}_{N}\left[N \mu\right]\,$$

$$=\sigma^2\text {E}_{N}\left[N\right]+\mu^2\text {Var}_{N}\left[N \right]\,$$



(... which is also $\lambda E(X^2)$)