Multiple Regression – Using Standardized Regression Coefficients to Measure Relative Contribution

multiple regressionvariance

I know I can calculate partial or semi-partial correlations to measure the relative contribution of multiple independent variables to the variation in a dependent variable. However, if I only have access to standardized regression coefficients, how can I use these to measure the relative contribution of each independent variable?

Would it be sufficient to square the regression coefficients, and then claim that this accounts for their share of the variation in the independent variable?

Ideally I'd like to get to the point where I can claim that "IV X explains Z% of the variation in IV Y".

Best Answer

@AndrewCassidy's comment describes the usual method of comparing the effects of two variables on a dependent variable -- compare the changes in $R^2$ after dropping each independent variable from the model. If you're an R user, you can do this easily and conveniently using the lm.sumSquares function from the lmSupport package.

However, I also wish to caution you against the use of change in $R^2$ as a measure of the relative importance of two or more variables. The first issue is that, of course, $R^2$ tells you nothing about the relative practical or causal importance of two or more variables -- practical or causal importance must be evaluated based on theoretical knowledge of the variables themselves.

Unfortunately, change in $R^2$ is not even all that useful for measuring the relative predictive importance of two or more variables. Changes in $R^2$ are a function of both the variance in the independent variable(s) and the variance in the dependent variable; thus, a small change in $R^2$ for a given independent variable may indicate either that the variable is unimportant for predicting your dependent variable or that you have a restricted range on your independent variable. For more information on this general phenomenon, I would direct you to this excellent answer by @whuber.

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