Solved – Using poisson regression for continuous data

continuous datadistributionspoisson distributionregression

Can the poisson distribution be used to analyze continuous data as well as discrete data?

I have a few data sets where response variables are continuous, but resemble a poisson distribution rather than a normal distribution. However, the poisson distribution is a discrete distribution and is usually concerned with numbers or counts.

Best Answer

The key assumption of a generalized linear model that's relevant here is the relationship between the variance and mean of the response, given the values of the predictors. When you specify a Poisson distribution, what this implies is that you are assuming the conditional variance is equal to the conditional mean.* The actual shape of the distribution doesn't matter as much: it could be Poisson, or gamma, or normal, or anything else as long as that mean-variance relationship holds.

* You can relax the assumption that the variance equals the mean to one of proportionality, and still usually get good results.