Solved – Using GARCH rolling forecast in R to calculate MAE

forecastinggarchmaertime series

My intention is to calculate the MAE for different (G)ARCH-models (comparing the one-step-ahead forecast for $\sigma$ with the absolute return that day).

The formula for MAE is actually clear, but I'm not quite sure which two series to use, when I do a rolling forecast in R for a (G)ARCH-model including mean.

Some Output I can extract after the roll.forecast is a series of "$\mu$" as well as a series of "$\sigma$". Is it okay to compare this mentioned $\sigma$ with the absReturn [MAE=Sigma-absReturn] or do I have to consider the $\mu$ as well and compare $\sigma$ and (absReturn-$\mu$) [MAE=$\sigma$-(absReturn-$\mu$)]?

Because according to theory return = conditional mean + cond. volatility and if this $\sigma$ is identical to cond. volatility I have to adjust the return?

Best Answer

I understand that you want to evaluate volatility forecasts by comparing the forecasted standard deviation of the model error with the realized absolute value of the model error. This can be done by comparing the forecast of sigma from the GARCH output with the absolute difference between the point forecast and the realized value.

But standard deviation is not equal to expected absolute value, so this may not be a good way of evaluating your GARCH forecasts. Alternatives could be,

  • use a GARCH-type model for expected absolute deviations rather than variances, and compare with realized absolute deviations;
  • evaluate the variance forecasts against squares of errors due to point forecasts (but recall that the latter is a pretty noisy proxy for the former, so do not expect very good results there).