Solved – Using ANOVA to analyse likert scale data


I need to analyze this hypothesis
h0:Men use cell phone for calls more than woman do.
Made a quesstionaire and asked on the likert scale

How often do you use your cell phone for calls

2=at least once per day
3=at least once every few days
4=once a week
5=never used

Can i analyse the data using one way ANOVA by making phone call dependent variable and gender:male/female as independent variable.
What other method can i use.Thanks.

Best Answer

First off, as others pointed out, $H_0$ should be that there is no difference.

Next you don't need ANOVA as you have only two groups, which would be a t test. However you cannot do a t-test because the scale is categorical.

One possibility is to convert your answers from 1,2,3,4,5 to "times per week" so then 1 = 70 (or something) 2 = 7 3 = 2 4 = 1 5 = 0

then you could do a t-test, but I don't recommend this here as your categories are pretty poorly chosen.

I'd say you want some ordinal test that does not assume equal spacing. One such is the Jonckheere-Terpstra test. In SAS, it is available in PROC FREQ with the JT option. In R it is in the clinfun package.