Solved – Using AIC to select between models that use nested and non-nested variables

aicmixed modelnested dataspss

I'm using SPSS to try and find a mixed model that adequate explains the data that I have.
Two of the explanatory variables are closely related ('Sample group' and 'individual'), as an individual is only
ever part of one sample group, so I've been nesting them if they are in the same model.

I've been using the models AIC score to rank the models in order of explanatory power.
Some of the models use the nested variables, and some of the models only use either 'Sample group' or 'individual'.

My question is:
Is it valid to use the AIC to compare between models that use nested variables and those that don't?

To clarify by nested variables, I mean that some of the potential variables used in a model are:
1) sample site(individual)
2) sample site
3) individual

Best Answer

According to an informal document by Burnham, who I regard as one of the leading experts on the AIC, the notion that models need to be nested to use the AIC for model comparison is a myth. Here is the pdf. See item number 2.

While we're on the topic, I might suggest using the AICc instead of the AIC, as Burnham and Anderson (2004) recommend it as a better default model selection strategy due to its bias correction for finite samples.

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