Solved – use standard deviation in Likert scale (1-7) data with non normal distribution

likertnonparametricstandard deviation

I have 20 questions, each divided in 6 Likert scale items (1-7), representing 6 different values like Success, Oportunity, etc. The sample is rather small, 42 cases, and the distribution is not normal.

Basically, I want to compare responses to values between individuals in certain groups consisting of 4-5 individuals, and see how much do the responses differ for each value within these mini-groups.

Is it ok to use standard deviation?
Please suggest any nonparametric tests that might be more suitable for this analysis.
Any reccomandation is welcome!

Best Answer

If you add 20 Likert items (not technically exactly correct to do, but often done anyway) then the resulting sum can take so many values that you can probably treat it as continuous and do t-tests, using the Satterthwaite correction for unequal variances if needed. Or, if you want to compare more than two groups at a time, you can do regression or ANOVA

However, if each group has 4 or 5 people, it is going to be very hard to find statistically significant differences. The effect size would have to be very large.