Solved – Use ACF and PACF for irregular time series

missing datartime series

Given an irregular daily time series where some days are missing, e.g. holidays and weekends.

Suppose data is a zoo object in R, there are two ways to plot ACF of data (PACF in the same ways):

  1. acf(coredata(data))
  2. acf(data, na.action = na.pass)

The first approach will reindex the data so the data will be shift to eliminate the holidays and weekend. A regular ts is thus used in ACF.

The second approach will interpolate NA in the ts. But I do not know how acf function deals with NA when na.action=na.pass is specified.

The resulting plots were quite different so which approach is the correct one?

Best Answer

The latter approach is preferred since the time difference must be invariant/constant for an ACF/PACF to be useful for model identification purposes. Intervention Detection can be iteratively used to estimate the missing values while accounting for the auto-correlative structure. One can invert the time series--i.e., go from latest to earliest to estimate missing values--and then reverse the process (normal view) to tune the missing value estimates.