Solved – Unusual high Odds Ratio Values in multinomial logistic regression


I was following the procedure in a statistics textbook to run a multinomial logistic regresion using mlogit. However, the Odds Ratios calculated seemed too high for some of the variables (>1000). Can someone take a look at this and check wether I am doing everything correctly? The data can be downloaded from here. I prepared the data with the following commands:

#read in the data
#trasnform data into the correct form for mlogit
#build model
#summary of the model
# confidence Interval of the odds Ratios

The summary of mlogit gives me:

mlogit(formula = Outcome ~ 1 | V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + V6 + 
    V7 + V8, data = mlogitData, reflevel = 3, method = "nr", 
    print.level = 0)

Frequencies of alternatives:
      Z       A       B 
0.43333 0.25556 0.31111 

nr method
7 iterations, 0h:0m:0s 
g'(-H)^-1g = 1.56E-06 
successive function values within tolerance limits 

Coefficients :
               Estimate Std. Error t-value  Pr(>|t|)    
A:(intercept)  -6.74640    5.97451 -1.1292 0.2588147    
B:(intercept)  -7.12401    4.50350 -1.5819 0.1136759    
A:V1            3.65979    3.90808  0.9365 0.3490331    
B:V1            4.24363    3.25687  1.3030 0.1925822    
A:V2          -15.11554    6.92901 -2.1815 0.0291475 *  
B:V2           -4.88778    3.65249 -1.3382 0.1808302    
A:V3            1.71465    6.57907  0.2606 0.7943839    
B:V3            2.94335    3.96557  0.7422 0.4579497    
A:V4           -1.70660    1.58849 -1.0744 0.2826633    
B:V4           -1.67210    1.17575 -1.4222 0.1549820    
A:V5            1.18494    1.60760  0.7371 0.4610682    
B:V5            1.03084    1.25573  0.8209 0.4116971    
A:V6            8.28902    2.51631  3.2941 0.0009873 ***
B:V6            3.44578    1.91844  1.7961 0.0724727 .  
A:V7           -1.34395    2.67943 -0.5016 0.6159612    
B:V7            1.04803    1.95147  0.5370 0.5912343    
A:V8           -7.46263    4.12978 -1.8070 0.0707577 .  
B:V8            0.21861    2.13596  0.1023 0.9184810    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Log-Likelihood: -64.636
McFadden R^2:  0.33149 
Likelihood ratio test : chisq = 64.1 (p.value = 1.0515e-07)

Running data.frame(exp(MLogitFit$coefficients)) to calculate the odds ratios gives:

A:(intercept)                1.175103e-03
B:(intercept)                8.055280e-04
A:V1                         3.885310e+01
B:V1                         6.966040e+01
A:V2                         2.725226e-07
B:V2                         7.538147e-03
A:V3                         5.554743e+00
B:V3                         1.897938e+01
A:V4                         1.814819e-01
B:V4                         1.878524e-01
A:V5                         3.270504e+00
B:V5                         2.803423e+00
A:V6                         3.979917e+03
B:V6                         3.136764e+01
A:V7                         2.608125e-01
B:V7                         2.852036e+00
A:V8                         5.741439e-04
B:V8                         1.244345e+00

I obtained the confidence interavls with: exp(confint(MLogitFit)):

                     2.5 %       97.5 %
A:(intercept) 9.650816e-09 1.430830e+02
B:(intercept) 1.182216e-07 5.488637e+00
A:V1          1.831725e-02 8.241213e+04
B:V1          1.176881e-01 4.123248e+04
A:V2          3.446800e-13 2.154711e-01
B:V2          5.864847e-06 9.688857e+00
A:V3          1.394913e-05 2.211978e+06
B:V3          7.994348e-03 4.505896e+04
A:V4          8.066986e-03 4.082774e+00
B:V4          1.875058e-02 1.881996e+00
A:V5          1.400307e-01 7.638467e+01
B:V5          2.392271e-01 3.285238e+01
A:V6          2.870699e+01 5.517731e+05
B:V6          7.303065e-01 1.347282e+03
A:V7          1.366460e-03 4.978060e+01
B:V7          6.223884e-02 1.306918e+02
A:V8          1.752860e-07 1.880591e+00
B:V8          1.891518e-02 8.185990e+01

The predicted Probabilities are as following:

fitted(MLogitFit, outcome=FALSE)
                 Z            A          B
 [1,] 0.2790108926 3.880184e-01 0.33297074
 [2,] 0.5191458618 2.900625e-01 0.19079169
 [3,] 0.7263001933 1.633014e-02 0.25736966
 [4,] 0.8386056883 3.700203e-03 0.15769411
 [5,] 0.8050365007 7.487290e-03 0.18747621
 [6,] 0.7855655154 3.860347e-02 0.17583101
 [7,] 0.7878404896 7.992930e-03 0.20416658
 [8,] 0.8386056883 3.700203e-03 0.15769411
 [9,] 0.7878404896 7.992930e-03 0.20416658
[10,] 0.4363708036 2.827104e-01 0.28091885
[11,] 0.6126060746 3.320075e-02 0.35419317
[12,] 0.0274357267 8.418204e-01 0.13074390
[13,] 0.1438998597 5.869087e-01 0.26919146
[14,] 0.1850027820 2.105586e-01 0.60443858
[15,] 0.8427092407 5.933393e-03 0.15135737
[16,] 0.1537160539 4.929905e-01 0.35329341
[17,] 0.0434283140 6.358897e-01 0.32068201
[18,] 0.1868202029 1.141679e-01 0.69901186
[19,] 0.3064594418 1.156597e-01 0.57788084
[20,] 0.5737141160 6.734724e-02 0.35893865
[21,] 0.5841338911 1.374758e-01 0.27839031
[22,] 0.0866451414 4.019366e-01 0.51141821
[23,] 0.2794060013 9.964607e-02 0.62094793
[24,] 0.0252343516 7.343045e-01 0.24046118
[25,] 0.1314775919 4.602643e-01 0.40825811
[26,] 0.0274357267 8.418204e-01 0.13074390
[27,] 0.1303195991 6.649645e-01 0.20471586
[28,] 0.2818251202 4.896734e-01 0.22850146
[29,] 0.0063990341 8.874618e-01 0.10613917
[30,] 0.0002408527 9.742025e-01 0.02555668
[31,] 0.0523052465 7.073015e-01 0.24039322
[32,] 0.3287956423 2.756959e-01 0.39550841
[33,] 0.0419093705 7.521689e-01 0.20592173
[34,] 0.0523052465 7.073015e-01 0.24039322
[35,] 0.3287956423 2.756959e-01 0.39550841
[36,] 0.0100998700 7.475180e-01 0.24238212
[37,] 0.1609808596 2.268570e-01 0.61216212
[38,] 0.0119603037 8.065964e-01 0.18144331
[39,] 0.0697132279 4.549378e-01 0.47534896
[40,] 0.5756435353 6.315652e-02 0.36119994
[41,] 0.4689676672 6.796615e-02 0.46306619
[42,] 0.2652679745 6.358962e-02 0.67114240
[43,] 0.7870195702 2.038999e-03 0.21094143
[44,] 0.6438437943 9.222002e-03 0.34693420
[45,] 0.7462282258 5.881047e-04 0.25318367
[46,] 0.3532662528 2.193975e-01 0.42733620
[47,] 0.9563852795 4.133754e-05 0.04357338
[48,] 0.9079031419 2.786314e-03 0.08931054
[49,] 0.0220230156 8.017508e-01 0.17622619
[50,] 0.2268852285 1.745210e-01 0.59859376
[51,] 0.2268852285 1.745210e-01 0.59859376
[52,] 0.0751929214 6.261548e-01 0.29865225
[53,] 0.9426667411 4.520877e-06 0.05732874
[54,] 0.0212631471 6.729961e-01 0.30574075
[55,] 0.0212631471 6.729961e-01 0.30574075
[56,] 0.9218535421 1.166953e-02 0.06647693
[57,] 0.6374868816 3.856300e-02 0.32395012
[58,] 0.2920703240 2.410709e-01 0.46685876
[59,] 0.7047942848 1.728601e-02 0.27791970
[60,] 0.1850395244 5.297673e-01 0.28519316
[61,] 0.4402296785 8.870861e-03 0.55089946
[62,] 0.6781988218 3.852569e-04 0.32141592
[63,] 0.9889453179 4.036588e-05 0.01101432
[64,] 0.1618635354 8.011851e-02 0.75801796
[65,] 0.3008372801 9.835522e-02 0.60080750
[66,] 0.0740319347 4.284039e-01 0.49756417
[67,] 0.5529727485 1.768537e-01 0.27017351
[68,] 0.7824740564 5.001713e-03 0.21252423
[69,] 0.5343045050 5.865850e-02 0.40703700
[70,] 0.4564647083 1.733995e-01 0.37013579
[71,] 0.4711837972 8.449081e-03 0.52036712
[72,] 0.9154349308 2.364316e-02 0.06092191
[73,] 0.1858643216 2.217595e-01 0.59237621
[74,] 0.3770813535 9.943397e-02 0.52348468
[75,] 0.8124141650 3.243679e-04 0.18726147
[76,] 0.3195206223 2.932236e-01 0.38725578
[77,] 0.8615871019 5.063299e-04 0.13790657
[78,] 0.8615871019 5.063299e-04 0.13790657
[79,] 0.8254986241 2.059378e-03 0.17244200
[80,] 0.1208591778 4.615235e-01 0.41761730
[81,] 0.0035765650 9.093754e-01 0.08704806
[82,] 0.7583239965 3.544345e-02 0.20623255
[83,] 0.8141948591 5.016280e-03 0.18078886
[84,] 0.1204323818 2.545405e-01 0.62502710
[85,] 0.9594950290 3.694056e-05 0.04046803
[86,] 0.6858228916 1.691396e-01 0.14503752
[87,] 0.8254986241 2.059378e-03 0.17244200
[88,] 0.8254986241 2.059378e-03 0.17244200
[89,] 0.2463233530 2.793410e-01 0.47433568
[90,] 0.5674338104 1.448538e-02 0.41808081

To assess multicolinearity I calculated the VIF statistic but using the a glm model of the same dataset.

      V1       V2       V3       V4       V5       V6       V7       V8 
1.789116 1.822252 2.216444 1.320244 1.821820 1.439183 1.512865 1.121805 

Best Answer

I don't think you have anything to worry about. V2 and V6 are very strong predictors, but those huge odds ratios are for a 1 unit change in the value of the predictor. However, the range of the predictor in both cases is << 1. Multiply the predictor variables by 10, or 100 (dividing the coefficients by 10 or 100), and suddenly it doesn't look problematic. Check the discussion Kjetil linked to above. Check the standard errors of those coefficients -- they are entirely reasonable and smaller than the coefficients. When you get complete separation in a binomial GLM those standard errors usually blow out to values much larger than the coefficients as well (Hauck-Donner effect, see pg 197 in Venables and Ripley MASS 4th edition). Finally, looking over the predicted probabilities all the numbers are reasonable; there are some very small probabilities for Alternative A for a couple of cases, but they are still larger than zero.
If it were me, I would next consider backwards elimination to see if some of the non-significant predictors can be removed.