Machine Learning – Differences Between Unsupervised, Supervised, and Semi-Supervised Learning

machine learningsemi-supervised-learningsupervised learningunsupervised learning

In the context of machine learning, what is the difference between

  • unsupervised learning
  • supervised learning and
  • semi-supervised learning?

And what are some of the main algorithmic approaches to look at?

Best Answer

Generally, the problems of machine learning may be considered variations on function estimation for classification, prediction or modeling.

In supervised learning one is furnished with input ($x_1$, $x_2$, ...,) and output ($y_1$, $y_2$, ...,) and are challenged with finding a function that approximates this behavior in a generalizable fashion. The output could be a class label (in classification) or a real number (in regression)-- these are the "supervision" in supervised learning.

In the case of unsupervised learning, in the base case, you receives inputs $x_1$, $x_2$, ..., but neither target outputs, nor rewards from its environment are provided. Based on the problem (classify, or predict) and your background knowledge of the space sampled, you may use various methods: density estimation (estimating some underlying PDF for prediction), k-means clustering (classifying unlabeled real valued data), k-modes clustering (classifying unlabeled categorical data), etc.

Semi-supervised learning involves function estimation on labeled and unlabeled data. This approach is motivated by the fact that labeled data is often costly to generate, whereas unlabeled data is generally not. The challenge here mostly involves the technical question of how to treat data mixed in this fashion. See this Semi-Supervised Learning Literature Survey for more details on semi-supervised learning methods.

In addition to these kinds of learning, there are others, such as reinforcement learning whereby the learning method interacts with its environment by producing actions $a_1$, $a_2$, . . .. that produce rewards or punishments $r_1$, $r_2$, ...

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