Solved – Unit-root test for unbalanced panel data

hypothesis testingp-valuepanel datatime seriesunit root

I have data on 146 institutions for 15 years. All of them have not data for all time points so that I have unbalanced panel data. How can I calculate a unit-root test in Stata or EViews for this unbalanced panel dataset?

Best Answer

It depends on the type of unbalancedness. Is your unbalancedness such that your time series are of different lengths, but do not have missing values in between (often the case in macro panels)? Then, there is no need for interpolation within one time series.

As you basically want to pool evidence against a unit root from different time series in a panel unit root test, it is enough to combine test statistics or $p$-values, which need not have been computed from time series of identical lengths.

You should then for instance consider $p$-value combination tests such as Fisher's test as explored here, viz. $\sum_{i=1}^N-2\ln(p_i)$, which, under independence of the units (a strong assumption!), follows a $\chi^2$-distribution.

An alternative would be Simes' test, i.e. reject if there exists an ordered $p$-value $p_{(i)}$ such that $p_{(i)}<\alpha\cdot i/N$. It is also valid under certain types of dependence and has been investigated as a panel unit root test by, um, me.

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