Solved – Unit of Mean and Standard Deviation

meanstandard deviation

can a unit be associated with the mean and standard deviation values or these are "dimensionless" quantities?

For instance, if I am computing distance, with unit being meters (m), and I have got the following values:

Min: 11 (m)

Max: 18 (m)

Mean: 14.5 (m)

Standard deviation: 1.5 (m)

Can we use "m" with mean and standard deviation to express unit of distance?

Best Answer

Mean and standard deviation have dimensions, the same ones from your data. Take your example: $$ \text{mean distance } d \; [\text{in}\; m] = \mathbb{E}( d \; [\text{in}\; m]) = \cfrac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n} d_j \; [\text{in} \; m] = \mu \; [\text{in}\; m] $$

$$ \begin{aligned} \text{variance of distance } d \; [\text{in}\; m] &= \mathbb{E}(\, (d \; [\text{in}\; m] - \mu \; [\text{in}\; m])^2\,) \\ &= \cfrac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n} (d_j - \mu \; [\text{in} \; m] )^2 = \sigma^2 \; [\text{in}\; m^2] \\ &\Rightarrow \text{standard deviation } = \sqrt{\sigma^2 \; [\text{in}\; m^2]} = \sigma \; [\text{in}\; m] \end{aligned}$$

(for simplicity I've assumed that all distances in your dataset follow a uniform probability)