Solved – Uniformly distributed in the ball

uniform distribution

Let $X_1,…,X_n$ be $p$-vectors uniformly distributed in the ball $B_r=\{x:\Vert{x}\Vert_2\le r,r\gt 0\}.$

Can someone explain to me what it means by "uniformly distributed in the ball"?

For example, what does $X_i$'s distribution look like? I am having trouble understanding these high-dimensional stuff… .

Best Answer

I think this should help:

Starting off with a 2D "ball", i.e. a circle. Points are uniformly distributed within a circle.

This can then be extended to a 3D "ball", i.e. a sphere and onto higher dimensions.

(I would have posted this as a comment, but I'm 9 short!)

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