Solved – Understanding output of a GEE model in R – Naive S.E vs. Robust S.E


I have a question regarding the interpretation of the output I get by fitting a GEE model in R. Attached is the picture of the output I get:
enter image description here

1) The first column, Estimate, is obviously the estimated $\beta$'s under the GEE model.

3) The third column seems to be the Z statistic calculated using the Naive S.E

5) Fifth column seems to be the Z statistic calculated using the Robust S.E

2) Naive S.E: I guess this one is the estimated S.E using the correlation structure I used in my GEE (here: corstr = "exchangeable")

4) Robust S.E: I guess is the S.E estimated using the empirical sandwich estimator.

Is that right?

Best Answer

Naive SE is the same SE you would get if you perform GLM

Robust SE is SE calculated using robust sandwich estimator.

This vignettes explained GEE pretty well with an example

Hope that helps!

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