Solved – understanding of effect of $\alpha$ in Dirichlet distribution

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When reading the topic modeling tutorial written by Blei, KDD 2011 tutorial I was confused about a set of diagrams which aim to show the effect of $\alpha$ in Dirichlet distribution.

For example, for the plot with $\alpha=1$, what am I suppose to discover? What does item mean here? Do those 15 items mean a 15-dimensional probability vector? The $\alpha=1$ is assumed to lead to a uniform distribution. But I feel confused about how to connect this plot with a uniform distribution. I also list other plots with $\alpha=100$ and $\alpha=0.01$.

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Best Answer

The x-axis are group assignments and the y-axis is the corresponding probability.

$\alpha$ is the prior controlling how much you weigh previously selected groups when selecting a new group assignment.

As $\alpha$ gets smaller you weigh previously selected groups more heavily, hence for $\alpha=0.1$ only a few groups are selected. As $\alpha$ gets larger you weigh the previously selected groups less and less, hence the uniform distribution of groups for $\alpha=100$.

Note $\alpha=1$ corresponds to a uniform prior for the number of groups, but the resulting distribution will not be uniform. In general, larger $\alpha$ equals more groups, smaller $\alpha$ equals less groups.