Solved – Two way scatter plot with time dimension

data visualizationscatterplot

I am plotting GDP against exports for 134 countries. I have data for three years. For each year I can easily plot these scatter dots and see the relative country positions but I am interested in the change in positions in the graph for each country. In other words, I'd ideally like to plot GDP against exports for all countries for three years in one graph with smooth lines connecting three years for each country showing how their relative positions changed overtime. below is an example of such graph in 2D.

Assume exports in on X axis and GDP is on Y axis then arrows will suggest how position of each country changed over time in the graph. countries on top right corner will show high level of exports and high level of GDP and vice versa. I am interested in figuring out how countries change their long term growth strategies over time w.r.t exports share in GDP. Any idea how to do this?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You should be able to do exactly this by downloading the free Gapminder software, or even by using it in the cloud. Here's an example using data not from 3 points in time but from up to 35:

enter image description here

Alternatively, you will have greater control, and will be able to use whatever data you like, if you learn how to use Google Charts in conjunction with R. Both are free as well, but R at least is not a simple matter to learn. See the demo under "Examples."

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