Solved – Two-way robust ANOVA


My struggle with non-parametric methods continues… I'd like to apply a median polish instead of two-way ANOVA (normality and homoscedascity assumptions are violated, and $ n_{ij} $ are small, so I can't use CLT as an excuse). I've never used median polish so far, and our course in statistics taught us to worship ANOVA and forget about robust methods if basic assumptions are not met. I saw this post and it seems that median polish can be applied for two-way factorial design. Which technique do you find appropriate in case of violation of ANOVA assumptions?

Now, what are the basic data considerations for median polish (or any other technique you find appropriate in this case)? Same shape, homoscedascity? Any resource (link/reference) is appreciated.


Note that I'm aware of medpolish function in R.

Best Answer

How is normality violated? Medians are more sensitive to skew than means as n gets low. Be careful of that. It would be very problematic if small n's varied in a systematic way.

How much is homoscedascity violated? If the n's are about equal it won't matter much for quite large differences.