Solved – Two-way repeated measures ANOVA vs mixed ANOVA

anovamixed modelrepeated measuresspss

I collected data from 50 patients at 3 different time points and performed analysis using 3 different methods. What would be a more appropriate test to compare the measurements between time and methods, a two-way repeated measures ANOVA or a mixed ANOVA, and why? I am using the SPSS definition so apologies if these tests have other generic names.

Best Answer

This can then be run as a two-way repeated-measures ANOVA in the GLM procedure if you have the data set up with one case per person and the outcome values in nine different variables. This is sometimes called multivariate data structure, or wide data.

It can also be handled in the MIXED procedure if the data are set up with nine cases per person, sharing the same value on an ID variable, and using two index variables for the two factors, with a single dependent variable. This is sometimes referred to as the univariate data setup, or as narrow data.

The GLM procedure can also be used with the narrow setup and explicit naming of the subject ID as a random factor, but I'd suggest using MIXED if you're going to go at it from that angle.