Solved – Tukey HSD plot_simultaneous – how does it work

data visualizationpythonstatsmodelstukey-hsd-test

I have performed a Tukey HSD in Python. I am not sure what values are plotted when using the .plot_simultaneous() command (see statsmodels documentation).

The resulting plot is:

enter image description here

I am wondering: how is the resulting mean and std calculated?

How can I interpret the graphic result of this?

Best Answer

Take this plot for example: enter image description here

I have a data set of US climate normals for various stations and I've grouped those station by Physiographic province. The plot shows the means (black dot) and the 95% confidence interval (not standard deviation) for each group.

You can interpret my plot as follows. For the Wyoming Basin, it is significantly drier than say the Valley and ridge province, but it is not drier than the southern rocky mountains, bc they have overlapping confidence intervals.