Bayesian – How to Perform Transformation of Variables in Metropolis Hastings Algorithm


Say I have a bunch of data from a Poisson distribution and I want to find out my posterior i.e. I'm data fitting:

$p(\lambda | X) \sim p(X|\lambda)p(\lambda)$

where $p(X|\lambda) = \frac{\exp(-\lambda)\lambda^x}{x!}$ so that my log-likelihood looks like:

$\log \mathcal{L}(\lambda|X) \sim x \log\lambda – \lambda$

Now as $\lambda > 0$, I transform my coordinates to be $\alpha = \log \lambda$. My new distribution looks like:

$p(X|\alpha) = \frac{\exp(-\exp(\alpha))\exp(\alpha x)}{x!}\cdot \bf{\exp(\alpha)}$

where the final $\exp(\alpha)$ comes from the Jacobian of the transformation.

This makes:

$\log \mathcal{L}(\lambda|X) \sim -\exp(\alpha) + \alpha x + \bf{\alpha}$

where the final $\bf{\alpha}$ in the new log-likelihood is from the earlier Jacobian.

The problem I'm having is that if I include that new $\alpha$ then my Metropolis-Hastings MCMC gives me a result that is incorrect. If I use a log-likehood that excludes it:

$\log \mathcal{L}(\lambda|X) \sim -\exp(\alpha) + \alpha x$

then I get correct results.

My question is:
Why does the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm not care about the Jacobian?

Best Answer

You do not need the $\alpha$ since it is a parameter. The change of variables formula applies to the variable with respect to which you are "integrating". It is $x$ in your case. So MH is right to demand that you remove the excess factor.

So what you really have is:

$$ p(X|\alpha) = \frac{\exp(-\exp(\alpha))\exp(\alpha x)}{x!} $$

had you applied some transformation to your $x$ variable - then the change of variables foremula should be used.

EDIT To understand what's going on, think of a normal RV $X \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu ,\sigma^2)$. So $p(X|\mu,\sigma^2)$ is the density. If you transform $\mu$ with any transformation $f$, you get the new variable is $Y \sim \mathcal{N}(f(\mu) ,\sigma^2)$ and no jacobian is necessary. I hope you agree (if not, I'll have to write more in tex...).

If you want $\mathcal{P}(X\in A|\alpha)$ you'd integrate $x$ and keep $\alpha$ fixed - that's what I mean when I say "integrate". Probability is all about integration, after all.

So in the end you have $p(x|\alpha)$ with no extra jacobian term. Then proceed as usual with bayes' rule etc and you'll get the "right" density.

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