Time Series Analysis – Using VAR/VEC and Testing for Cointegration

stationaritytime seriesvector-autoregression

Like the title says, I've got two time series, one is stationary to begin with and thus has no unit root, the other time serie is stationary after one-time differencing.

I want to create a model out of this and I know that when unit roots are present, I should test for cointegration. But I've read in Engle & Granger (1987) that cointegration tests are only to be done when you have two or more I(1) variables, is that correct?

So I cannot find in literature if I should now use a VAR model on differences or test for cointegration and perhaps do a Vector Error Correction model.

Can anyone help me? I would be very thankful!

Best Answer

A $I(0)$ and a $I(1)$ timeseries can not be cointegrated. There is no linear combination of the timeseries that is stationary. And the definition of cointegration is if there is a combination of them that is stationary, they're cointegrated.

I think you should fit a VAR with the stationary variable in levels and the non-stationary variable in first difference.

Good luck!