Solved – Time series analysis with neural networks

machine learningneural networkstime series

I'm new to neural networks and machine learning and I was wondering how you use time series data to set the weights of a regular FNN, and how you use the ending weights to forecast the time series. In essence how can you transform the time series data into weights and back again for the output.

Best Answer

A feed-forward neural network (typically multi-layer) is a type of supervised learner that will adjust the network weights on its input and internal nodes, in an iterative manner, in order to minimize errors between predicted and actual target variables. It commonly uses stochastic gradient descent (sometimes called error back propagation) over many iterations in order to find a local minimum of the error response and optimize the network weights accordingly.

The basic idea behind stochastic gradient descent is to start by randomizing the weights, then adjust them by iterating through several passes and updating the weights in a direction that moves the total error between target and predicted errors towards the local minimum error of the gradient surface. In practice, a tradeoff is found between optimizing a training set against a validation set, in order to reduce the problem of over-fitting.

Lastly, the input (time series or otherwise) often needs to be transformed in order to create a stationary series that is also bounded (amplitude wise) between the input range of the NN layer transfer function(s)(typically, 0 to 1 or -1 to 1).

Once the weights have been trained, the model can be stored and used to process additional new time series data, much like a typical linear regression based model.

An example illustration of using a NN to predict finanacial time series data, using Weka, is posted here:

A good text comparing financial AR based models against NN models is, "Applied Quantitative Methods for Trading and Investment," Christian Dunis