Central Limit Theorem – What is the Sum of Squared T Variates?

central limit theoremchi-squared-distributionsums-of-squarest-distribution

Let $t_i$ be drawn i.i.d from a Student t distribution with $n$ degrees of freedom, for moderately sized $n$ (say less than 100). Define
$$T = \sum_{1\le i \le k} t_i^2$$
Is $T$ distributed nearly as a chi-square with $k$ degrees of freedom? Is there something like the Central Limit Theorem for the sum of squared random variables?

Best Answer

Answering the first question.

We could start from the fact noted by mpiktas, that $t^2 \sim F(1, n)$. And then try a more simple step at first - search for the distribution of a sum of two random variables distributed by $F(1,n)$. This could be done either by calculating the convolution of two random variables, or calculating the product of their characteristic functions.

The article by P.C.B. Phillips shows that my first guess about "[confluent] hypergeometric functions involved" was indeed true. It means that the solution will be not trivial, and the brute-force is complicated, but necessary condition to answer your question. So since $n$ is fixed and you sum up t-distributions, we can't say for sure what the final result will be. Unless someone has a good skill playing with products of confluent hypergeometric functions.

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