Solved – the proper name of a model that takes as input the output of another model

machine learningmodelingpredictive-modelsregressionterminology

Thanks in advance for the help.

I am writing a paper and for the life of me can't remember the proper term for a model that works as follows.

rawData -> model1 -> outputModel1 -> model2 -> outputModel2

More specifically, I have created a linear regression model whose output I pass to a second linear regression model. One could imagine N models strung together like this.

I keep wanting to call this a hierarchical or multi-level model, but I know that isn't right: these types of models are synonymous with mixed models. I know that there is a proper name for this since I remember discussing it in a class that took awhile back. Does anyone know what this is called?

Best Answer

The process is known as Cascaded classification/regression or Multi-stage classification/regression. It is a type of ensemble learning with some differences. You can find more in Wikipedia.

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