Solved – the name of this plot that has rows with two connected dots

data visualizationexcelterminology

I've been reading EIA report and this plot captured my attention. I now want to be able to create the same type of plot.

enter image description here

It shows the energy productivity evolution between two years (1990-2015) and adds the change value between this two periods.

What is the name of this type of plot? How can I create the same plot (with different countries) in excel?

Best Answer

Some call it a (horizontal) lollipop plot with two groups.

Here is how to make this plot in Python using matplotlib and seaborn (only used for the style), adapted from and as requested by the OP in the comments.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import io
sns.set(style="whitegrid")  # set style

data = io.StringIO(""""Country"  1990  2015
"Russia" 71.5 101.4
"Canada" 74.4 102.9
"Other non-OECD Europe/Eurasia" 60.9 135.2
"South Korea" 127.0 136.2
"China" 58.5 137.1
"Middle East" 170.9 158.8
"United States" 106.8 169.0
"Australia/New Zealand" 123.6 170.9
"Brazil" 208.5 199.8
"Japan" 181.0 216.7
"Africa" 185.4 222.0
"Other non-OECD Asia" 202.7 236.0
"OECD Europe" 173.8 239.9
"Other non-OECD Americas" 193.1 242.3
"India" 173.8 260.6
"Mexico/Chile" 221.1 269.8""")

df = pd.read_csv(data, sep="\s+", quotechar='"')
df = df.set_index("Country").sort_values("2015")
df["change"] = df["2015"] / df["1990"] - 1

y_range = np.arange(1, len(df.index) + 1)
colors = np.where(df['2015'] > df['1990'], '#d9d9d9', '#d57883')
plt.hlines(y=y_range, xmin=df['1990'], xmax=df['2015'],
           color=colors, lw=10)
plt.scatter(df['1990'], y_range, color='#0096d7', s=200, label='1990', zorder=3)
plt.scatter(df['2015'], y_range, color='#003953', s=200 , label='2015', zorder=3)
for (_, row), y in zip(df.iterrows(), y_range):
    plt.annotate(f"{row['change']:+.0%}", (max(row["1990"], row["2015"]) + 4, y - 0.25))
plt.legend(ncol=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.01), loc="lower right", frameon=False)

plt.yticks(y_range, df.index)
plt.title("Energy productivity in selected countries and regions, 1990 and 2015\nBillion dollars GDP per quadrillion BTU", loc='left')
plt.xlim(50, 300)

enter image description here

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