Solved – the name for a “typical” range of values


First off, let me say that I'm extremely poorly versed in statistics, and this is a question purely about terminology.

I have a distribution for some quantity (height of person, say) and the most likely 95% of outcomes are within some range $h_0$ to $h_1$. I want to know what to call (ideally a 2 or 3 word phrase) this range. It is not the case that the distribution is normal, though we can safely assume that it is unimodal.


Let's say I have a coin, which I think is biased for heads with $p_h=0.6$. Now I toss it $n$ times and I get $a$ heads. I want to write a sentence which basically states that the result is in some 95% "likelihood region", (something like "middle 95 percentile" seems a little clunky, if not ambiguous — I'm not taking a region about some median!). Now, it might be that my $p_h$ is actually a prediction based on some data, and I have some uncertainties in it, but I don't want to include those uncertainties! I want a term that refers to the fact that because I didn't toss the coin an infinite number of times, there is some variance in the ratio $a/n$.

Best Answer

I'm not sure the middle 95% has a name, but the middle 50% does: "interquartile range".

The middle 80% does as well: interdecile range.


Actually, a bit of poking around on google turned up "95% interpercentile range" and "2.5-97.5 interpercentile range."

I hadn't heard those terms before (they don't seem to be common), but if I saw them in a paper, especially the second one, I would immediately know what the author meant. So I think you should be just fine using them.