Solved – the minimum historical data/sample data required for a time series forecasting analysis

arimaexponential-smoothingforecastingstatistical-powertime series

Are there any statistical power analysis/sample size deteminations methods for time series data analysis/forecasting?

For example if I have time series of 30 data points, how can I with confidence use a particular statistical methods like exponential smoothing or arima for predict the future ?

I have seen in some textbooks that have a cursary mention on historical data points required for ARIMA would be 50 or 60. But I have not encountered a formal approach on how much history is required for a a particular time series forecasting method.

I did a thorough search on major time series textbooks and the internet, I'm unable to find any literature on this topic. Any guidance would be helpful.

Best Answer

No, there is no power test. The 60 data points suggested by Box-Jenkins and the 36 by Makradakis are arbitrary and are more from the mind set of a "best fit" modeling approach.

I am of the belief that any time series can be modeled. The signal to noise ratio determines how well you can identify a pattern that would be more complicated than a mean model with some outliers, for example.