Solved – The meaning of representing the simplex as a triangle surface in Dirichlet distribution

data visualizationdirichlet distributiondistributions

I'm reading from a book that introduces the Dirchilet distribution and then presented figures about it. But I was not really able to understand those figures. I attached the figure here at the bottom. What I don't understand are the meanings of the triangles.

Normally when one wants to plot a function of 2 variables, you take the value of var1 and va2 and then plot the value of the function value of those two variables … which gives a visualization in a 3D dimension. But here there are 3 dimensions and one other value for the function value so it makes a visualization in 4D space. I can't understand those figures!

I hope someone can clarify them please!

here is what I don't understand from figure 2.14a. So we have drawn from K=3 dirichlet a sample theta (which is basically a vector) that is: theta = [theta1, theta2, theta3]. The triangle plots [theta1, theta2, theta3]. The distance from the origin to each theta_i is the value of theta_i. Then for each theta_i it put a vertex and connected all three verteces and made a triangle. I know that if I plug [theta1, theta2, theta3] into dir(theta|a) I will get one number which is the joint probability of the vector theta. I also understand that the probability for continuous random variables is a measure of an area. But here we have 3 dimensions so the joint probability will be the measure of the volume of the space from the pink plane and under … i.e the pyramid. Now I don't understand what is the role of the triangle here. What is it trying to communicate or visualize?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I don't understand what is the role of the triangle here. What is it trying to communicate or visualize?

All points in the triangle must satisfy the two constraints: between zero and one in each dimension ($0 \leq \theta \leq 1$) and all sum up to one ($\theta_0 + \theta_1 + \theta_2 = 1$).

The way I finally understood it is the following:


So (a) shows a 3-D space with $\theta_{1, 2, 3}$ as coordinates. They range only between 0 and 1.

In (b), a triangle is shown, this is our simplex.

(c) shows two example points that "lay" on the simplex which also fulfil the second criteria (sums up to one).

(d) shows another example point on the simplex, the same constraints hold

In (e), I tried to show a projection of the simplex to a 2-D triangle with all example points shown before.

Hope it makes more sense now :)

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