Solved – the meaning of a large p-value

hypothesis testingp-value

I understand that the $p$-value is the conditional probability of observing the test statistic or something more extreme given that the null hypothesis is true. I have read the great explanation by @user28 in this post: What is the meaning of p values and t values in statistical tests? However, do large $p$-values say anything? Does a larger $p$-value lend greater support to the null hypothesis? If I set rejection region to be $<0.05$, then does it make a difference if I get $p$-value $0.06$ or $0.99$? (After all, $0.05$ is arbitrary, and $0.06$ is so close to being rejected that if I arbitrarily set $0.05$ as $0.1$ instead, the null hypothesis would have been rejected.) Can one make any statistical use of a non-rejecting $p$-value?

Best Answer

How you should 'use' the p-value depends on how you have designed your study with regard to the analyses you will run. I discuss two different philosophies about p-values in my answer here: When to use Fisher and Neyman-Pearson framework? You may find it helpful to read that. If you have, for example, run a power analysis and intend to use the p-value to make a final decision, you should not use close to the line ('marginally significant') as a meaningful category. It is fine to use a different alpha than $0.05$ (such as $0.10$), but once you decided on it and set your study up accordingly, you should stick with it.

In addition, you cannot use a large p-value as evidence for the null hypothesis. I discussed that idea in my answer here: Why do statisticians say a non-significant result means "you cannot reject the null" as opposed to accepting the null hypothesis? Reading that answer may be helpful to you as well.

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