Solved – the maximum likelihood estimator for $e^{-\theta} = P(X_i = 0)$

estimatorsmaximum likelihoodpoint-estimation

Suppose $X_1, X_2,…,X_n$ is a random sample from a $\text{Poisson} (\theta)$ distribution with probability mass function:

$$P(X=x)=\frac{\theta^ {x}e^{-\theta}}{x!}, x=1,2,…; 0<\theta$$

What is the maximum likelihood estimator for: $e^{-\theta}= P(X = 0)$?

I already found the MLE for the $\theta$. How do you then find the MLE of $P(X = 0)$ which is equal to $e^{-\theta}$ ?

Best Answer

Invariance principle : The maximum likelihood estimator of the transform is the transform of the maximum likelihood estimator.

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