Solved – the interpretation of (panel data) Quantile Regression

estimationpanel dataquantile regression

I estimated a (panel data) quantile regression model using qregpd in Stata 13. It is not clear what is the interpretation of the estimate. Let's say that I choose the 50th quantile, and I find that the estimate of the main parameter of interest is -0.5.

What is the interpretation of the estimate -0.5? Let's say that -0.5 is the estimated parameter for the effect of random variable x on random variable y. Let's say that x increases by 1, so that y will decrease by (-0.5 * 1) = -0.5. Is this effect true only for the guy at the median, or for all individuals?

Best Answer

You can’t really say much about the guy at the median or how individuals will respons to changes in X. What you may say is that the median of a population with X equal to x is estimated to be 0.5 lower than the median of a population with X equal to (x+1), all other things being equal.

See this answer for a thorough discussion of how to interpret the result: