Solved – the expected MINIMUM value drawn from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 after n trials

extreme valueorder-statisticsuniform distribution

Assume you draw a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1 n times. How would one go about calculating the expected minimum number drawn after n trials?

In addition, how would one go about calculating a confidence interval to state that the minimum number drawn is in the interval [a,b] with m% confidence?

Best Answer

You are looking for order statistics. The wiki indicates that the distribution of the minimum draw from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 after $n$ trials is a beta distribution (I have not checked it for correctness which you should probably do.). Specifically, let $U_{(1)}$ be the minimum order statistic. Then:

$U_{(1)} \sim B(1,n)$

Therefore, the mean is $\frac{1}{1+n}$. You can use the beta distribution to identify $a$ and $b$ such that

$Prob(a \le U_{(1)} \le b) = 0.95$.

By the way, the use of the term confidence interval is not appropriate in this context as you are not performing inference.


Calculating $a$ and $b$ such that $Prob(a \le U_{(1)} \le b) = 0.95$ is not straightforward. There are several possible ways in which you can calculate $a$ and $b$. One approach is to center the interval around the mean. In this approach, you would set:

$a = \mu - \delta$ and

$b = \mu + \delta$


$\mu = \frac{1}{1+n}$.

You would then calculate $\delta$ such that the required probability is 0.95. Do note that under this approach you may not be able to identify a symmetric interval around the mean for high $n$ but this is just my hunch.