Solved – the difference between ‘same’ and ‘half’ border mode in Convolutional neural networks

conv-neural-networkneural networksterminology

What is the difference between 'same' and 'half' border mode in Convolutional neural networks? I see it implemented differently in Theano and TF.

Best Answer

  • full means apply filter wherever it partly overlaps with the input, i.e. padding of dimension (filter rows - 1, filter columns - 1)
  • half means that there is a padding of (filter rows // 2 rows, filter columns // 2 columns)
  • same means there are some padding around input or feature map, making the output feature map's size same as the input's.
  • valid means there is no padding around input or feature map, i.e. padding of dimension (0,0).

Some sources if interested: